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Attitude of Gratitude Yoga and Brunch at X Miami

The attitude of gratitude is the highest form of yoga. — Yoga Bhajan

Cafe Namaste finished its sixth event in Miami with a heart full of gratitude. The practice of gratitude can shift your entire state of being and the Cafe Namaste community shared what and whom they were grateful for in their lives. From family to pets, members spoke up and gave thanks. It was a inspiring day with new friends, family, and besties.

We are thankful for the November sponsors and partners: GetAround, Xol Coffee, Seed Food and Wine, Vegan Delicacies, The Balanced Shop, Kevita Kombucha, Qunno Protein Bars, Catered Fit, and JFlo Therapy. A special thank you to X Miami for hosting Cafe Namaste.

We’ll see you December 1 for the next event for Vision 20/20, setting up the next year for success. Sign up online.


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