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2022 ColorFest at X Miami

March 20: We’re still feeling so much JOY after yesterday’s Colorfest: Holi Celebration in downtown Miami! This is what Cafe Namaste is all about. We hope you left feeling connected, inspired, and joyful with the opening meditation by Shaz Gogia, yoga with Sam Reynolds, Bollywood dance with Pooja Uberoi, henna by Vathsalya Henna and local brands including Rupees Sarees of Wynwood.

Special thank you for everyone who participated and to the following: @ikigaiusa + @hennavathsalya + @shaziagogia + @rupees_inc and amazing food sponsored by @zaikaindiancuisine.

Interested in bringing events to your space? Find out more about Namaste Living, our residential and hotel programming.

Photographs were captured by Ahlea Lorlynn Photography. If you'd like to use the photos, please include the following text, "Colorfest by Cafe Namaste @cafenamaste_soflo , Photographer: @ahleacaptures


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